Friday 20 June 2008

Britney Spears - Pussycat Dolls Axe Britney Cameo

A cameo appearance by Britney Spears has been axed from the new PUSSYCAT DOLLS video.

The girl group steered clear of the subject during an appearance on Pete Wentz's show FNMTV and a spokesperson for the band could not be reached, according to MTV.

Britney shot the cameo for the forthcoming song When I Grow Up, but her failure to make the final cut has yet to be explained.

The Toxic star recently turned up in US TV show How I Met Your Mother, an appearance which has led to speculation of an Emmy nomination, reports NME.

Elsewhere, it has been reported that the singer is considering leaving Hollywood for good.

According to the Mail on Sunday, she is thought to be looking for a home on the outskirts of Los Angeles in the San Fernando Valley, in order to escape the glare of the media.

17/06/2008 10:54:39

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